date: 8/1/24

WAHH !! Welcome to my page ! Don't mind how empty it is, it's still being worked on with more to come ! (logos, banners, blinkies, icons, ETC !)

I'll give you a little background story on how i got into neocities! I orgininally heard of it back in 2021 because a couple friends of mine were taking coding classes! I heard someone mention it one day in class, so i decided to look it up to see what it was! In general and to be completely honest, i'm not the best at coding, i'm still completely new and my grammar isn't the best! so I do apologize for future updates if my grammar isn't the best :'3

I am infact a minor ! so i am a young coder (obviously) so when it comes to comments on my coding plz keep it PG-13 !! Some fun facts about me is that i draw ! (i've been drawing since 2018-1019 maybe even longer than that !). I'm a huge paranormal fan !! I love anything that involves ghost hunting or hauntings , I also greatly enjoy crime investigations ! They're my fave :3

Blinkie Showcase !! >-<

date: 8/2/24

Header Here

date: 5/13/2022

mood: meh

music: aksjdj

whatever: aksjdj

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ornare odio et mi ullamcorper convallis. Quisque posuere finibus condimentum. Cras euismod, nulla et finibus finibus, nulla leo interdum dolor, vel malesuada ipsum enim a diam.

In gravida eleifend risus, vitae fringilla lacus lacinia scelerisque. Duis arcu sapien, pulvinar lacinia nunc non, scelerisque venenatis mauris. Nulla pulvinar turpis non odio lacinia, pulvinar convallis nisl pellentesque.

Mauris sit amet elit urna. Donec et ipsum dictum, posuere nisl a, luctus libero. Morbi pulvinar ex ut massa fermentum, vel lacinia ante placerat. Mauris hendrerit ut tortor eu hendrerit. Pellentesque tincidunt quam ipsum, non euismod dolor rhoncus ac. Integer ut neque lorem. Nullam sed hendrerit quam, finibus rhoncus mauris.


Vivamus tinci consect viverra. Aenean vulput varius dolor rutrum auctor. Integer sed magna finibus.


